City Hall Council Chambers
110 East Cook Street
Santa Maria

This regular meeting of the Planning Commission is open to the public to participate in the proceedings. It will also be accessible via Zoom and broadcast live on the City's website via its YouTube channel and on Comcast Cable Channel 23. 

How to observe the meeting:

Members of the public may observe and participate in this meeting in person, or through an online Zoom meeting link. To participate through Zoom, please register in advance to make public comments during the meeting at this link: Webinar Registration - Zoom.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information to join the meeting.


Zoom will no longer be provided effective November 1, 2024.

Exception: Members of the public will be allowed to provide public comment

through Zoom if a Planning Commissioner is participating remotely

pursuant to the provisions of Assembly Bill 2449.

To observe the live stream of the meeting, go to the City’s YouTube page the night of the meeting ( and click the three lines in the upper left corner next to YouTube to get a dropdown box. Then select LIVE.

How to submit public comment:

If you wish to address the Planning Commission, you may submit comments via email to the Planning Division Manager, Dana Eady, at [email protected], or by phone 805-925-0951 ext. 2444. Your comments will be provided to the Commissioners, and summarized into the record at the meeting. Each item on the agenda will have a public comment period, as well as a general comment period at the beginning of the meeting for other items not listed on the agenda. Comments on the agenda item must be submitted prior to the time the Chair closes public comments on the agenda item. If you wish to provide public comment during the meeting on Zoom, please use the “raise hand” feature and the host will ask public members with their hands raised to unmute their microphones to speak one at a time in the order received. The Chat feature will not be available. If you are using a phone to dial into the meeting, please use *9 in order to raise your hand.

American Disability Act Accommodations:

Any member of the public who needs accommodations should email the City Clerk’s Office at [email protected] or by calling 805-925-0951 x2306. The City Clerk’s Office will use their best efforts to provide reasonable accommodations by request at least 48 hours ahead of the meeting.

Commissioners Esau Blanco, Robert Dickerson, Tom Lopez, Yasameen Mohajer, and Commission Chair Tim Seifert.


    Approve the minutes of the Planning Commission for the meeting of October 2, 2024.

Each member of the audience may address the Commission on any subject within the Commission's business that is not on the agenda.  Each member of the audience is limited to discussion of three minutes or as otherwise directed by the Commission Chair.


Staff presentation.
Disclose any Commissioner communications.
Applicant presentation.
Questions from the Commission.
Open meeting to the public:
      Written communications
      Public comment 
      Any rebuttals to be heard
Questions of the public or applicant the from Commission.
Public hearing to be closed.
Discussion and decision on the item.

Property Location: 1494 Fairway Drive

Review of a General Plan Land Use Map Amendment and Zone Change (GPZ2023-0001) for RRM on behalf of the Santa Maria Public Airport District to change the land use designation on a 6.95-acre site FROM A-AS (Airport -Airport Service) and the zone district of OS (Open Space) TO LI (Light Industrial) land use designation and PD/M-1 (Planned Development/Light Manufacturing) zone district.

Environmental: Environmental Review for this project was completed through the preparation of an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (SCH #2024070374) pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act State Guidelines.

Planner Contact: Cody Graybehl, 805-925-0951 ext. 2552;

mailto:[email protected]


    Take the following actions:

    1. By resolution, recommend that the City Council adopt a resolution to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring Program prepared for the project; and

    2. By resolution, recommend that the City Council approve the General Plan Land Use Map Amendment and Zone Change, GPZ2023-0001.


Property Location: 1301 and 1313 East Main Street

Review of a Tentative Parcel Map (TR2023-0003) for DDS Partnership to subdivide a 5.8-acre parcel into two parcels of 0.37-acres and 5.35-acres in a PD/C-2 (Planned Development/ General Commercial) district.

Environmental: This Tentative Parcel Map qualifies for a Class 15 categorical exemption based on Section 15315 (Minor Land Divisions). No further environmental review is required.

Planner Contact: Carol Ziesenhenne, 805-925-0951 ext. 1607;

mailto:[email protected]


    By resolution, conditionally approve Tentative Parcel Map No. 6039 (TR2023-0003).

Oral Reports from the Planning Commission and staff.

Next Study Session: October 17, 2024
Next Public Hearing: November 6, 2024


This agenda is prepared and posted pursuant to the requirements of Government Code Section 54954.2. By listing a topic on this agenda, the Planning Commission has expressed its intent to discuss and act on each item. In addition to any action identified in the brief general description of each item, the action that may be taken shall include: a referral to staff with specific requests for information; continuance; specific direction to staff concerning the policy or mission of the item; discontinuance of consideration; adoption, approval or disapproval or recommendation thereof. If you challenge a determination made on a matter on this agenda in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described on this agenda, or in written correspondence to the Planning Commission at, or prior to, the public hearing. Materials related to an item on this agenda submitted after posting the agenda online will be available for public inspection during normal business hours in the Community Development Department Office, 110 South Pine Street, Room 101, Santa Maria or by calling the Community Development Department at 805-925-0951 ext. 2244.


To receive reasonable accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act during the meeting, please notify the Community Development Department of what you need during business hours at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. The Community Development Department office is at 110 South Pine Street, Santa Maria; 805-925-0951, ext. 2244. The City will give primary consideration to your request in providing assistance. Examples of assistance may include exhibits in large-sized format, use of assisted listening equipment, use of the California Relay Service, texting by cellular phone, or the services of a live interpreter. Assisted listening equipment can also be used for interpretation by Spanish-only speaking persons. To allow the City to coordinate and request a Spanish interpreter from the volunteer corps, contact the Office of the City Clerk at (805) 925-0951 x2307 by 1:00 p.m. on Monday before the meeting. Equipo también puede ser utilizado para la asistencia de interpretación para esas personas que solamente hablan español. Para permitirle a la Ciudad que coordine y solicite un interprete de un grupo de voluntarios, llame al (805) 925-0951 extensión 2307 a la 1:00 de la tarde el lunes antes de la junta.